Have subscribed
to many, have canceled most (99.9%). Your newsletter is great! It's
informative, interesting, humorous and written with quality and style. I
look forward to reading it every week. More people need to read your
stuff. The Internet is a vast black hole, waiting to swallow the unsuspecting,
the newbies, and the trusting. I am so pleased you are on the web ... to
help guard against crooks and other low lifes.
Monique Jones
Boy did YOU save my behind!
I have been reviewing various affiliate programs for my 3D images and
the one you mentioned as a "Stay Away" company
is one I was looking at. Thanks a million for the HEADS UP!
Heather Colman
This is the ONLY
newsletter I read, word by word, to the end. It's nice to know that there are
actually real people behind this and not human robots trying to sell something
with the same sales pitches. Thank you for this ezine. :)
Kathy McClaren
Don't take out the personal comments. If you do, you'll become one of those publishers that "have nothing to say." The priorities go to something that can brighten the day or make the reading a bit more interesting. It's the personal comments and anecdotes that make me read the whole darn thing.
Tom Mahoney
I love your ezine... always have, it's one of the few I still consistently read. Why? Because you always share a little personal 'jl tidbit' with us... and then you get down to business and teach us something we may not have been aware of or just rant about something we all were upset about but maybe couldn't express as eloquently. It gives a feeling of belonging and that someone still cares about what's happening with online marketing.
Donna Maher

I think the thing that sets a great ezine apart from a good ezine is the personality of the publisher. Those who are afraid to inject their personalities usually provide boring reading. Of course, an ezine must contain valuable content but that doesn't mean that it can't also be interesting, funny, and entertaining. Keep on doing what you're doing! .
Linda Offenheiser
As far as
I'm concerned, your whole newsletter is not long enough. I generally
read it twice, keep up the good work. We do need you.
John Cory, from France
Just to let you know, I love
the iCop issues. I look forward to every one of them, it has saved
me a lot of unnecessary heartache, not to mention unnecessary wallet problems.
Now, I wait for your ezine before I check out anything.
Sylvia Garrett
Please KEEP the personal stuff. That's what makes your ezine so interesting. It's not so cut-and-dried that when it arrives I READ it, and do not trash it as I do so many, many others. Of course, I want the business stuff also. I have learned a great deal from your news.
Joni Groves
Just wanted to let you know
that whenever I see your newsletter in my e-mail box, I click
it on and read it immediately. Like people read the newspaper, I
read your ezine knowing that the information inside is important
for the continual growth of not only me as a businesswoman, but also my
e-zines! You have been very helpful, and I always appreciate your
Jan Tincher
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